Read The Draft Copy Of The New Story Soon To Be Published

Sample Short Story.

Travelling through space where there is no concept of time, just a vast ocean of nothingness. Angelus  yearned for silence from the flashing memories. A moment of darkness, a place far away from the continuous flood of flash images and memories, the pain, lives lost, cruelty and senseless violence by human kind. A place of peace is what he craved, so at times in the vast emptiness he would meditate to bring himself the solace he yearned for. It worked, the meditation allowed him to see that there were good intentions in men. He saw he love, kindness, appreciation, empathy, loyalty and …

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World Vacation Tips To Boost Your Financial Education Today.

If your only excuse is not having enough money then you have already killed your opportunity to gain the knowledge you need to get where you desire. World Vacation Tips To Boost Your Financial Education Today.

World Vacation Tips To Boost Your Financial Education Today.